Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy 2013

It's now more than halfway through January, so I might as well add a "Happy 2013" post.

I've been increasingly more and more interested in "starting" my blog.  Even though I've done a few posts already, I'm ready to start making it more of a regular ordeal.  I have big plans for it, too.  Not only do I want to feature the projects that I'm working on, but I want to share the happenings of the people in my life.  Whether they be knitters, bakers, painters, foodies, or animation enthusiasts, I hope to share their gifts with the world through my blog.

To start things off, I'd like to dedicate this post to a blogger whom I admire very much.  She doesn't know it, but I just LOVE her site, and feel very inspired by her posts and photographs.  Caitlin of has motivated me to blog more, join pinterest, take better photos, and eat in a more healthy, clean way.  Thanks, Caitlin!

Here's to 2013!
